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Message to Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Americas Chicago

Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Americas Chicago - Nigerian  in Chicago IL

Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Americas Chicago

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About Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Americas Chicago

NIDOA Chicago Chapter represents a coalition of Nigerian professionals and Community Associations in the Illinois and Indiana region. The organization exists to provide an effective and unified platform for Chicagoland-based Nigerian diasporas to harness their talents, expertise, and resources to aid in economic and social development of Nigeria and host community of Chicagoland.

The core vision of NIDO Chicago, deeply rooted in the organization's firm belief that Diaspora Nigerians can make significant contributions to Chicagoland and Nigeria, is to develop effective modes—through programs, policies, and advocacy for Nigerians abroad to harness their talents, expertise, and resources for development and community building.

NIDOA Chicago’s board goal is to empower and enhance the capacity of underserved individuals and their communities by applying innovative practices and paradigms that contribute significantly to social-environmental equality, equal access to educational and employment opportunities, and economic self-sufficiency.

NIDOA Chicago is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide an effective and unified platform for Chicagoland-based Nigerian diasporas to harness their talents, expertise, and resources to aid in Chicagoland’s economic and social development.


Primary Office Location

pin 835 E 87th St Chicago IL 60619


Social Media

Instagram page for Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Americas Chicago - Nigerian  in Chicago
Message Nigerians in Diaspora Organization Americas Chicago