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Message to The Rivers Association of Northern California

The Rivers Association of Northern California - Nigerian  in Hayward CA

The Rivers Association of Northern California

(310) 415-2874
(310) 415-2874


Cultural Non Profit
Practice Areas

About The Rivers Association of Northern California

The Rivers Association of Northern California (RANC) was founded in 2001 by concerned indigenous group of Rivers and Bayelsa States of Nigeria with a vision to unite members, create and provide support structures to members, participate in community programs through cultural education, cultural awareness, youth education about Rivers and Bayelsa cultures. RANC is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization.

RANC is committed to the following:
- To foster unity and promote socio-economic well-being of all Rivers people;
- To assist one another as best possible in socio-economic endeavors and identify available resources in the area to benefit each other;
- To promote awareness and appreciation of the Rivers people in Nigeria;
- To serve as center for dissemination of information regarding the rivers people, and for educating our children on our unique social and cultural heritage.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 55330 Hayward CA 94545

pin (310) 415-2874


Social Media

Twitter page for The Rivers Association of Northern California - Nigerian  in Hayward
Message The Rivers Association of Northern California
(310) 415-2874