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Message to The Nigerian Friendship Association

The Nigerian Friendship Association - Nigerian  in Silver Spring MD

The Nigerian Friendship Association

(888) 441-0494
(888) 441-0494


Charity Non Profit
Practice Areas

About The Nigerian Friendship Association

The Nigerian Friendship Association (NigFA) a non-profit organization founded in 1986 originally started as an association of professional Nigerian immigrants coming together to socialize. This group of immigrants came to the United States of America from different cities in Nigeria to pursue their academic ambitions in the United States Universities, and finally settling in the Washington DC/Baltimore metropolitan area.

Initially, the main objective of the association was coming together to serve as a support system for one another, in order to forge ahead and make progress in their new homeland -USA. These individuals were not necessarily friends at first, but knew each other and believed in collective action, shared values and common purpose. This togetherness created a forum for them to meet and share a few moments of laughter, and catch up with current affairs and news from home. They finally became friends with a common vision to create a professional Association with core values and purpose. Thus The Nigerian Friendship Association was born.

In 1992, the Association created two forms of membership; Full Membership and At-Large Membership. The At-Large membership allowed existing and new members who were relocating to Nigeria, overseas or outside the Washington DC / Baltimore metropolitan area, to retain their membership status in the Association. We have continued to gain new dedicated members who will keep the Association strong and viable for the foreseeable future.


Primary Office Location

pin 8780 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring MD 20910

pin (888) 441-0494

Message The Nigerian Friendship Association
(888) 441-0494