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Message to Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta

Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta - Nigerian  in Atlanta GA

Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta

Government of Nigeria
(770) 394-6261
(770) 394-6261


Government Embassies and Consulates
Practice Areas

About Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta

The Consulate is the converging point for all Nigerians and aims to serve Nigerians in the United States, as well as other citizens of the United States who may wish to avail themselves of its services in various areas of interests and endeavors.

The Consulate serves the following U.S. states and territory: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.

The Consulate-General aims to improve Consular services, communications, and trade-relations between Nigeria and the United States. Additionally, we hope to foster understanding, and cordial relations with government, community, Nigerian citizens, and people of the United States to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


Primary Office Location

pin 8060 Roswell Rd Atlanta GA 30350

pin (770) 394-6261

Social Media

Twitter page for Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta - Nigerian  in Atlanta Twitter page for Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta - Nigerian  in Atlanta Instagram page for Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta - Nigerian  in Atlanta Facebook page for Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta - Nigerian  in Atlanta Instagram page for Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta - Nigerian  in Atlanta
Message Consulate General of Nigeria in Atlanta
(770) 394-6261